Sunday, December 27, 2009

the greatest love story

i wanna find a husband, not a boyfriend,
one of the reason is because of this true love story:)

The Greatest Love Story

They both lived in a society so horrible that oppression was a normal thing, especially to women. However, in the middle of this chaos, these two shared the most beautiful love story ever known to mankind.

The man was the most honest and fair of all the people living in his community. None was respected more for honesty, integrity, sobriety and humbleness. He had no bad habits and did not engage in drinking or relations with women, although it was common place amongst his people. He never took a girlfriend nor a mistress in his life and never even attended parties or the like at anytime in his life. The only intimate relations he had with a woman was through marriage alone.

The woman was very intelligent and brilliant in her mind and excellent in treatment of her parents. Her father was the man's life long friend who was very respected at that time.

One day, when she was playing outside in the dirt, her mother asked her to come into the house. She was only six years old. Her mother took her to see her father, who offered her hand in marriage to his best friend, the man. This was the custom in the society at that time. However, the man did not accept it because she was not old enough for the age of consent and he believed that a woman must decide for her own. In that society, marrying a woman without her consent was common and usually it was done to get hold of her inherited wealth.

When she was a few years older and mature enough to decide, her father offered her hand in marriage to the man. She was very shy and her silence was understood by her father that she was indeed, accepting the proposal for marriage. The whole family was happily involved and most elated in having the man who was very noble as their close relative through marriage.

She was very excited with the marriage preparations and was very happy with the wonderful experience of being offered and accepted in marriage to the man. This was exactly what she wanted all along. During their lives together, they were very happy, close, and intimate with one another. Among their happy times was, they would race with each other and she would beat him every time until she got bigger and heavier that he would beat her in the race instead. They lived together for nine years until he got very sick.

When he was dying, he wanted to be with her. She would place a towel on his head when he had fever. He died with his head on her lap. She never said a single bad word against her husband during his life, or after his death. She never remarried and she lived to her 70's continuing to tell the people beautiful stories about her husband.

When he died with his head on her lap, she did not wail, cry, or tear up her hair like what the society at time would normally do when the loved ones pass away. She knew that his death did not mark the end of their relationship because they will be together again, happily ever after, in Paradise.

This story, the marriage of Aishah to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is nothing less than the best love story ever.

click here for source

Friday, December 25, 2009

a piece from damn, gross reality!!!


It hurts to see,
A man and a woman holding hands,
With no relation except friends.

It hurts to see,
A man and a woman keeping hands,
When they vow to love till the end.

It hurts to hear,
People say they want a good job,
Before buying baby clothes at the shop.

It hurts to hear,
People say, "I don't have the money",
When they have lots to feed their "honey".

It hurts to think,
Parents would leave their children like that,
Without saying, "Hey, that's very bad!"

It hurts to think,
Children would say to other children,
"My parents did it too, how's that different?"

It hurts to realize,
A man's poison becomes a man's meat,
They know that but still, they eat.

**i get this meaningful poem from here

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tragedi Jun

Pada malam yang sunyi sepi dan tiada unggas sahut-menyahut seakan memahami tragedi jun bakal terjadi.
tetapi x tahulah kalau-kalau unggas-unggas itu mengambil keputusan untuk tidur awal hari ini kerana takut beg mata(eye bag) semakin menebal.
dia diam dan baring di katil setelah mencuci muka dan kaki di bilik air.
dia bangun semula kerana terlupa menutup pintu bilik dan ketika mencecahkan ibu jari ke lantai,
dia tergelincir dan PANGGGGGG!!!!!!kepala terhentak ke besi katil!!!!
dia diam kerana terkejut dalam keadaan mengiring dengan kepala di atas besi katil.
nasib baik telinga kanan melindungi kepala.
kalau tidak mesti lagi sakit!!!!!makkk

analisis kecederaan - telinga kanan sakit nak mati
- tulang pipi kanan pun sakit gile
- lengan kanan bengkak kerana menahan tekanan badan masa jatuh
- pening-pening mungkin kerana hentakan di kepala.

ya rabb, jgnla ada kecederaan dalaman dalam kepala.
masa ni lah aku merasakan betapa berharganya kesihatan badan.
bayangkanlah orang yang retak kepala ke,lumpuh sebab kecederaan dalaman kepala ke.

sampai skrg aku trauma bila ingat balik masa aku jatuh 2..
memang bila-bila pun Tuhan boleh tarik kesihatan kita, kan.
memang bila-bila pun apa-apa pun boleh terjadi dengan izinNya.
tiada KEBETULAN dalam hidup ini.
semuanya sudah diatur Tuhan.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hidup Macam Tayar Basikal

Hidup macam tayar basikal, kadang-kadang terpalit tahi lembu,kucing, anjing,beruk,monyet.Tetapi basikal akan terus dikayuh sehingga sampai ke destinasi.

Keputusan peperiksaan yang diumumkan kelmarin memang mencetuskan drama untuk setiap manusia yang hampir gila menanti dari pagi.

Gigil aku menggigil menekan keyboard dan saat mata tertancap pada deretan subjek,aku menarik nafas panjang-panjang.)

Alhamdulillah. Syukur, ya Allah!

Owh ada juga 2 tahi lembu di situ. Haha

Sesiapa yang membaca entri sebelum ini diminta tidak terbawa-bawa dengan emosi melampau dalam isi cerita kerana aku memang suka mengarut.*wink

Anggap saja ini semua keajaiban dari Tuhan yang mendengar doa hambaNya.

Kesatria- terima kasih cikgu Tun & komander! ( minta maaf sebab suka ketawakan korang lagi-lagi kom. Hafiz yang pakai baju ketat bangat dan kom. Fazli yang x berbutang satu)

Oh terima kasih juga buat kom. Shaiful untuk doa beliau. Kapan kamu akan berdating dengan kakak itu? (memang busy body )


Tort- terima kasih, madam comel walaupun aku dapat gred tahi lembu yang mencacatkan pointer keseluruhan.

Melepas aku melepas dekan (hari ini dalam sejarah)

I deserved it because I didn’t complete part A n C and I knew I’ll score if I did.

Moral of the story- sila belajar kawal tekanan emosi dan jangan buat latihan last minute!

Contract- tak sia-sia aku buat drama sakit jiwa dalam exam hall.

Mula-mula habis kau gigit-gigit bibir sampai darah dan lepas dah pass kertas jawapan, kau nangis pulak.

Syukur kerana lulus jugak walaupun gred ada sedikit tahi ayam disitu.

Lepas ni nak datang gossip lagi kat bilik madam ok.

Sorry, F sebab impian kau nak sekelas dengan aku tak tercapai. (kamu ni memang sedikit menjengkelkan.haha)

CITU- syukur,syukur.

Ustazah sangat baik hati.

Maaf kerana mata selalu memandang kamu dalam kelas tapi fikiran selalu melayang ke uitm kedah yang dirindui, kadang-kadang katil di bilik dan selalu-selalu coklat toblerone kuning.


Arab- belum berpeluang menghantar SMS terima kasih untuk ustaz yang mungkin sedang berbulan maduJ

Ingatkan setakat dapat A- je sebab drama macam hancus.

Kapan kami berpeluang untuk melihat senyuman bergula ustaz pada semester depan?

Bel342- sangat rindu kenangan di kelas BEL yang penuh gelak ketawa.

Kertas soalan yang mencabar dan kamu berjaya!alhamdulillah.

Terima kasih madam jelita.hihi

Malaysian legal system- have I told u lately that I love MLS?

I still remember when we fought 2 days before the paper resulting with my heart hurt so much.

Menggigil-gigil aku tulis nota.

Syukur kerana Tuhan itu adil dan membalas kesakitan ini dengan kegembiraan yang jauh lebih baik.

Sekarang kau faham tak yang kamu tidak dapat sakiti aku selagi Tuhan bersama aku?


However, MLS did kill some of us this semester and I have two speculations spinning in my head.

Was it because our madam was so strict in marking because the other group has no repeater!

Or was it because of our fault?

OMG. this is horrible,man.

Constitutional law- the result spell miracle because I did very badly in partC.

Ingatkan dapat tahi lembu, sekali dapat emas da!


(Graf turun kot sebab soalan partC yang sangat luar biasa)


For those who is currently celebrating their joy, congratulations.(melepas aku melepas dekan)

To whom might still mourn for the grief, please bury it deep in the ground and let’s use this second chance to shine!

We still have 5 semesters and only the toughest will survive!

Are u tough enough?